Custom ChatGPT for your business

Deploy public-facing or private AI assistants to handle tasks, answer queries, and boost productivity.

Take back your time

Customer Support AI Agent

Expandable Knowledge Base

Upload various file types to create a comprehensive knowledge base for your AI agents.

No-Code Agent Creation

Create AI agents using natural language instructions, no coding required.

Custom Domain Integration

Seamlessly integrate your AI agents into your website with custom domain support.

User-Friendly Chat Interface

Provide an intuitive chat interface for visitors to interact with your AI agents.

Multiple Agent Management

Create and manage multiple AI agents for different purposes within a single platform.

OpenAI API Integration

Use your own OpenAI API key for full control and cost management of your AI agents.

Easy-to-Use Dashboard

Manage your agents, sites, and analytics through a user-friendly dashboard.

Flexible Deployment Options

Choose between Agent One subdomains or your own custom domain for deploying AI agents.

Millions of possible use cases

From customer support to sales, from marketing to product development, from content creation to data analysis, and more.

Create AI Agents Effortlessly

Build knowledge-based AI assistants by training on your own data. Increase conversion rates and reduce customer support costs.


Expand Agent Knowledge

Upload various file types to enhance your AI agent's knowledge base and capabilities.


Learn More on YouTube

Watch our demo of us building a custom AI agent by just talking to a chatbot and uploading some files.


Quick Integration

Seamlessly integrate your AI agents into your website with custom domain support in minutes.

AI-Powered Assistance

Create intelligent AI agents capable of handling various tasks and providing information.

User-Friendly Interface

Intuitive platform design makes it easy to create and manage AI agents without technical expertise.

Flexible Pricing

Use your own OpenAI API key for cost control, with options to suit businesses of all sizes.

Reliable Performance

Enjoy consistent and dependable AI agent functionality.

Multi-Agent Support

Create and manage multiple AI agents for different purposes within one account.

Comprehensive Documentation

Access detailed guides and FAQs to help you make the most of the Agent One platform.

Continuous Improvement

Regular updates and enhancements to provide you with the latest AI agent capabilities.

Customization Options

Tailor your AI agents to match your brand and specific requirements.

Create Your First AI Agent
with Agent One today.

Get started now and experience custom AI agents at scale. The first 100 sign-ups receive a special discounted rate.

Trusted by builders everywhere

Simple pricing

Everything you need

$129$99a month
  • 14 day free trial
  • Unlimited agents
  • Unlimited file uploads
  • Unlimited domains
  • 10,000 message credits
Agent One

Agent One

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